The government’s decree No. 47 of 8th Oct., 1971 as amended in 1990, highlighted the capacity building of human resources in industry, commerce and government through training and retraining of workers in order to effectively provide the much needed high quality goods and services in a dynamic economy as ours. This decree brought about the establishment of Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in 1973/1974 and this had subsequently led to the formation of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) to bridge the gap between classroom and work environment.
Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a programme that is managed by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and it is charged with the responsibility to provide students in the tertiary institutions with an opportunity to gain practical skills, knowledge and competence in addition to what they have learnt in the class-room during their academic pursuit at their undergraduates’ days. It is also designed to prepare students for the industrial working situation they may likely find themselves after graduation.
SIWES is a skill training programme designed to expose and prepare students of Agriculture, Engineering, Technology, Environmental, Science, Medical Sciences, pure and applied science and vocational education for the Industrial work situation which they are likely to meet after graduation. The Duration of SIWES is four months in Polytechnics at the end of NDI, four months in College of Education at the end of NCE II and six months in the Universities at the end of 300 or 400 or 500 levels depending on the discipline. Industrial Training refers to work experience that is relevant to professional development prior to graduation. A bachelor of engineering or science award requires students to complete at least 24 weeks of industrial training. In the second semester of 400L and long holiday for the students at SIWES 24 weeks. The board (COREN), which approved engineering programs in accordance with the NUC, strongly recommends that all engineering degrees provide an industrial training experience of at least 24 weeks. Development of practical and professional skills required of an engineer and support for future employment are essential to industrial education. SIWES period is seen by many employers as an opportunity to employ new employees in the future.