About Us

The Students industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) Unit of the Landmark University, Omu Aran, was established by the pioneer Vice Chancellor Professor Matthew Olarotimi Ajayi in 2012 as an Industrial Coordinating Unit in the Office of the Vice Chancellor to cater for students on industrial attachment. Dr. A. J. Gana of Department of Civil engineering was the appointed as the pioneer SIWES Coordinator.

The SIWES Unit coordinated by a Coordinator who is responsible to the Vice Chancellor for the day to day running of the affair of the office and for Administration, Coordination and Supervision of all of its activities. Other staff includes an Administrative secretary, and Office Assistant.

All students who are registered for a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) or Science courses in Landmark University are required to undergo ‘Industrial Training Attachment’ for a period of 24 weeks during 2nd Semester of Year 3 (Sciences) or year 4 (Engineering).

All students studying at Landmark University for a Bachelor of Science (Hons) or Engineering Courses must complete a 24 week ‘Industrial Training’ during second semester.